Getting Ready for a New Team- Goodbye to the Old Team

The Team of 2015-16 have all had their exit interviews. The Supervisors have sent them all off with words rina516d0629b20f70be058f31e9b0bf5dcging with endorsement and gratitude. Here are some of the comments we heard:

“Expanded our program beyond any other year.”
“Took initiative way above the job description.”
“Made our programs better”
“I tried to single out one category as Good but no, they had to be all Excellent”
“I never doubted her ability to cope.”
“I heard the kids ask ‘Is Ben coming back?’ He was much loved.”
“She was excellent in every way possible”
“Always flexible, so good to work with.”
“Never a problem- she knows how to do spread sheets and organized everything.”
“Able to organize and sum up what was needed in a very short time.”
“Lovely to work with. Willing to try things head on. Go with the Flow.”
“A source of inspiration to our students. Exceeds everyone’s expectations. Used her experience to connect with the students.”
“The amount of personal and professional growth from our member has been inspiring”
“He taught himself, always flexible and open, and he worked so well with the kids. They loved him.”


Well Done Class of 2016. You did us proud.