Vaccinations are one of the most critical strategies to help schools resume and maintain regular operations. On Sept. 9, 2021, the Montgomery County School Board of Education unanimously passed a resolution mandating that all MCPS staff be vaccinated against COVID-19.
Exceptions will be made for employees who provide documentation of and are approved for a medical exemption. In the absence of a medically authorized exemption every MCPS employee must be fully vaccinated by Oct. 29, 2021.
Important Note: Vaccination or authorized medical exemption are a condition of employment. Failure to comply will result in progressive discipline up to and including termination from MCPS. By working together, we can ensure our students are able to safely learn and thrive as they return to school. Our commitments to the entire MCPS community are critical steps to maintaining a successful start to the school year for all students.
Reporting Vaccination Status and Uploading Your COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate
- All staff are required to be fully vaccinated and report their vaccination status by Oct. 29, 2021. Please click here to report your status and/or begin the process of uploading your COVID-19 certificate or medical exemption documentation.
- For those employees who have submitted the required proof of vaccination no further action is required.
Instructions and more information to both report your vaccination status and upload proof of vaccination can be found at the end of this correspondence.
Proof of Vaccination Procedures
- Staff may provide any of the following to satisfy proof of vaccination:
- Maryland Department of Health Certificate of COVID-19 Vaccination (or equivalent documentation from employee state of residence). Staff who received their vaccination in the state of Maryland can obtain a copy of their vaccination certificate from the state at the following link: https://app.myirmobile.com/
- vaccination verification provided by your health insurance provider; or
- a letter from your primary care physician attesting to the employee’s vaccine status.
- All information submitted will be protected and kept confidential.
- No employee will be required to provide any medical information beyond the vaccination status and the medical exemption documentation, if applicable.For a comprehensive list of free vaccination sites, please click here.
Weekly Testing
Employees who are in the process of completing their vaccinations must continue to comply with the weekly testing requirement until becoming fully vaccinated. Employees who are medically exempt must comply with the weekly testing requirement.
Thank you for all you are doing to keep our students and community safe and healthy. For any technical difficulties, call the MCPS Help Desk at 301-517-5800 or visit their website. If you have questions about COVID leave, please call 301-517-8100, email ERSC@mcpsmd.org
Technical Support Resources
To Report Your Vaccination Status and to Upload Your Proof of Vaccination. If you are having a problem accessing the Vaccination Status form please refer to the support resources provided below.
Helpful Troubleshooting Topics
- I don’t know my Google login
- I filled out the form but now I want to update my response
- I am seeing a “You need permission” message when accessing the form
- I replied to the original email with my vaccination documentation
- How do I print/save a copy of the Maryland State COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate?
If you don’t see a help topic listed check the Staff Vaccination Status Form Quick Guide for additional subjects.
Click here to access the MyIRMobile site to download the Maryland COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate (Vaccinated in Maryland)
Click here to access the MCPS Staff Vaccination Status Form.
If you are still having difficulty reporting your vaccination status, reach out to your supervisor for assistance. For a comprehensive list of other free vaccination sites, please click here.