
Posts by Paul Costello1

Questioning our own Cultural Assumptions Study Circles 2

What if the achievement gap was a symptom of something bigger, something more basic than just students failing exams or dropping out? What then?

What if students fail or succeed due to circumstances and contexts over which they have little or no control? What then?

What if as spirited and motivated we are as  educators to remedy the problem,  we might be as much part of the problem as we are of the solution? What then? 

What if all our precious presumptions about equality and justice make us blind to reality,  and that our belief that students, given the same opportunities, rise or fall based on character or will power or grit is nothing more than a softer expression of hard discrimination? What then? 

Project CHANGE  today experienced Part Two of  the powerful Study Circles method. We in the helping and teaching professions can get so outward focused, we feel its a luxury or navel gazing to take some time doing some serious self-reflection on our practices, beliefs and goals. But we have to be reflective practitioners if we are keep our own learning alive. Last week, the team learned some basic techniques of mindfulness, to quiet that noise and focus on being, not doing. It was a perfect complement to the session today, when we took a pause to look at our own stories where race and prejudice may have got in our way and the way of our students.

The team were asked to take a ‘systems approach’ to the problem,  to focus less on instant fixes 20161021_131748and more on what behaviors and attitudes feed the problem, and what gets in the way of us getting a handle on it. There is so much to learn, and so much to unlearn. 

As Marion Wright Edelman said to us in an event two years ago, “Every child has the right to feel they can achieve and be successful.” If we create a system that tests and tests and tests, to screen out failure from success, or if we serve a culture that overlooks young people’s developing bodies, minds and souls, to privilege aptitude over attitude, then we are creating more failures to fix.  We are like that ingenious Irish fire brigade who to avoid unemployment, tried lighting the fires they then went to put out.

Today was hard. There was some heavy lifting, some hard topics, some tears, even some anger, but Yesenia led us through with great calm and compassion. She knew what the Project CHANGE team might be feeling, because three years ago, she was in the room not as a facilitator but as a member of another great AmeriCorps Team.

Thank you Yesenia. Thank you John Landesman and Study Circles. Thank you CHANGE team for the courage to have a fierce conversation.




Mindfulness and the Practices of Self Care

mindfulnessToday, mindfulness expert Greg Robison presents to the AmeriCorps team on one of the core practices of self-care- Mediation and Mindfulness. After two months of service, the team are already showing some signs of stress. Its normal and to be expected, being tired, frustrated and challenged by some of the situations and some of the students who don’t do what they are told, etc etc. That is part and parcel of the work we do, but what do we do about it? Burnout is an occupational hazard of people in service and so mindfulness is a way of allowing our bodies to catch up and our minds to slow down. Or as Greg explains it, Mediation is moving out of the thinking mode to the sensing mode.


We are expected to multi-task and we are expected to change our best laid plans when the weather changes or the bus runs late. At every turn, the things that we think we can control run on a schedule different to ours. So we have to cope and we have to adjust. But that takes a toll on our nerves and on our patience. We need to sometimes get off the merry go round and sit, breathe, smell the roses, and let our bodies back into the conversation.

Stories of defining moments- Study Circles




The sharing process of Study Circles lays down a timeline 1940–2016 and asks the members to think of some defining moments along that life journey, when your story was born, or came alive, or took a detour, or shifted into overdrive. And what stories came out! They were so powerful that the team, starving as they were, allowed the pizzas to grow cold, because they could not dare to leave the story circle. They wanted to be with their team mates, as each shared some amazing. disturbing or profound moment of transformation.

One member was 21, and innocently driving home late one night when police pulled him over, and before he knew it, he and his friends were surrounded by a dozen police all with guns drawn, and screaming at them to get on the ground. They complied and were all handcuffed, while the car was searched. After a terrifying ordeal, the police let them go with a casual,”You weren’t the guys we were looking for. You can go.” No apology. No explanation. No Nothing.

Another story was about a member in an advanced English class at college, being told by the professor that because the student had Latino origins, that she did not belong in this class because this was for native English speakers. Even when the member told her she spoke both as her native tongue, the teacher insisted that if she did the class, she would have to do extra work to be able to keep up. “No Way,” she told the professor. And at the end of the course, guess who got an A. How much does prejudice set a limit to the expectations teachers have for their students?

For some, the moment that changed everything was 9-11 when the color of their skin or their eyes, or their name became something that others feared. They were told to “Go back to where they came from.” ( which was New Jersey) Or a family was so disturbed by the hatred that they considered changing their family name and moving to a different part of town, where the color of their skin did not stand out as much.

These stories shape us but the point is that no story need define us. And as Yesenia skilfully asked the team at the end, imagine, just imagine that some of the kids you are teaching and tutoring, that this was their story. How might that effect the way you interact with them?




Project CHANGE does STUDY CIRCLES- Part One

The Project CHANGE team experienced Part ONE of the Study Circles today, seeing the work that members Merary and Deepna are doing every day with school communities in Montgomery County, and being led by Yesenia, a Project CHANGE alumnus from 2013.

Study Circles teaches people how to design the structures of safety and trust that allow for difficult conversations around the issues of race. Sadly, race is one of the most reliable predictors of achievement in our schools and it does not have to be this way. study-circles-16

The achievement gap is one of the big buzz words in educational circles, but what does it look like on the ground? It is a complex mixture of teacher-student engagement and understanding, or lack thereof.

The Team today were invited to share their own family and school stories and to begin to build the shared story of concern and interest that will lay the foundation for confronting the issue of racism head on at the next meeting.

study-circles-2-16The other part of the day was to have some fun, playing kids games, and relaxing after another hectic week of service. A few early sniffles are being heard and some of the team look a little tired. Perhaps a long sleep and a revival weekend is in order.  They surely deserve it.

Project CHANGE serves to improve students’ Academic Engagement

scoresToday was an intense workshop on understanding the impact Project CHANGE aims to make in the lives of K-12 students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds in Montgomery County. We examined the official documentation and test trialed the evaluation instruments before we sat together to share experiences of our own education, and ask ourselves the keyquestion-

What were the influences that shaped our attitude to school, for better or for worse?” 

A lot of amazing stories came out- How a certain teacher or a coach took an interest, or how a student suddenly became competitive with their cousin or their classmates, or someone needed to get above a 2.0 grade average to be able to play on the school football team.

There were lots of different experiences but each of them in their own way demonstrated the lessons of the day, and how to help students develop a more positive and constructive attitude toward their education.  We used the research that says that students engage if they experience


develop CURIOSITY,

can express themselves with ORIGINALITY,

are allowed to foster RELATIONSHIPS,

are taught and mentored with ENTHUSIASM and

experience SAFETY.

The word is SCORES, as a way for the team to remember what the path to their goal is. There are there domains of academic engagement- cognitive, behavioral and emotional. CHANGE is about the third one, to help improve the attitude of students towards their school in all its dimensions.

We explored how AmeriCorps members, acting as mentors and tutors, can “infect” their kids with positivity and enthusiasm, and be a role model of learning.

If you want a story at the back end, design it at the front end

presentation-designIf you want a story to be told at the back end, the lesson the AmeriCorps Project CHANGE members learned today was that you have to design it from the front end.

Yes, you can wait for things to happen spontaneously but while you wait, most of your experience gets lost or is wasted because you created no story catching grid, or plotted no map of where you are to begin with and where you want to go. There are three stages of a story and three different energies:

We are at the BEGINNING where the energy is to CREATE.

We will progress to the MIDDLE where the energy is CORRECTIVE.

And we will come to the ENDING where the energy is to COMPLETE.

Each phase of the story is distinct, and offers a once-only opportunity. Hence it is vital to capture it. Change happens so imperceptibly that we end up forgetting what we once were.

Stealing from Aristotle’s idea that a story needs a Beginning, Middle and Ending for it to feel coherent, the members plotted their year of service across a 9 space template which turned BME on its side, to create  9 story phases of the year ahead:

Beginning of the Beginning,
Middle of the Beginning,
End of the Beginning,

Beginning of the Middle,
Middle of the Middle,
End of the Middle,

Beginning of the End,
Middle of the End,
End of the End.


At each stage of the journey, we will build a scaffold to ensure that we capture this phase of meaning as it emerges into fullness. Now we have a map, and we know how meaning will grow by layers, as we begin three times, come to a middle three times and end three times.  And if it all works, we will come to the end and know the beginning for the first time, and we will be ready to launch on a new story.

Tell me the story…. that got you here.

Today Project CHANGE began their story work with the simple prompt:

“Tell me a story that helps me understand how you came to be here.”

All the stories that came out were moving, incredible, inspiring.

“I am here because I refuse to give up on myself.” one storyteller boldly declared. In two stories, it was a mentor who saw what the member did not see and said, “This program would be ideal for you.”

An inspired teacher of psychology at Montgomery College turned two members on to the study of psychology, and one was inspired by her grandfather, a refugee from war and partition,who  lived out his life as a lawyer serving his people.

Another member was determined to get to college, despite none of her family ever getting the chance and has won four student scholarships. So far.

Three members got so totally messed up in their chosen courses at college- did the wrong subjects etc,  and had to change direction and in the process, discovered what they really loved, not teaching or broadcast journalism but public service.

Another was serving at Reading Partners AmeriCorps in Baltimore and decided now she wanted to give back to her home Montgomery County.  One was working in retail but missed the chance to serve so much that she quit.

Each of them witnessed to a desire for change and a desire to serve, to make a bigger difference in the world. The vital moment came to one member when her Mom invited her to a Vibe Concert. Good for Mom! Another was drifting from one job to another with no real sense of purpose or any sense of how effective he was with students. Someone took the time to speak, to encourage, to notice. “Hey, you can do better.”

My story was about my adopted son, who 26 years ago, was lost on the streets and in need of a father who would believe in him. One randon moment in life that endures because it shapes a lifetime.

When all was told, we reflected on the power of stories that brought them to this special place, and their exceptional choice to serve for a year. If a story brought you here, imagine the story that you will create, and the testimonies you have the chance to inspire in the lives of others who, perhaps in 20 years time, will be telling their stories of you.

Stories move us, literally as well as emotionally. We can so easily  get trapped in a story that disqualifies us from claiming our agency. They get us lost in the negativity of problems. AmeriCorps is an invitation into a new story of possibility, a story that empowers, instead of imprisons. Today, we heard the prologue. So Let the AmeriCorps story begin in earnest.

“Once upon a time, in Montgomery County, 16 intrepid adventurers on Project CHANGE set out on a journey to serve. “

Project CHANGE begins its 16th year with a great new team

Sept14212722_10154781270843352_6444523610545488932_nember is a time for new beginnings. School is back in business and so is Project Change, with five more member slots than before, and new partners to join the collaborative work that CHANGE has been doing in Montgomery County for the past 16 years. We want to thank our MD State and Federal funders for their vote of confidence in what we are doing.

These inspired volunteers met today as a team for the first time and got a sense of the power of shared service. Each member introduced the role they would be playing and the need that they would be seeking to meet-from kids who are grieving the loss of a parent and in danger of dropping out of school, to 17 year olds who have only had 5 years of formal schooling due to family disruption or separation; from inspiring smart high-schoolers  to imagine what their parents never could, a future in college, to teaching advocacy to talented teens through the media of video and graphic arts. The diversity of the partners makes the program so rich in stories, stories that every training day, we want to capture.

The length and breadth of the service the CHANGE team is offering also gives the program a privileged insight into the deeper needs of students in Montgomery County. Our members are eager to use their training times to share what they are learning, as well as share what they are teaching. Every day, their service is taking the pulse of the county.

What makes CHANGE even more important and unique is that 10 out of the 16 members are all graduates of Montgomery County Public Schools. CHANGE affords them a special way to give back. As the only Montgomery County/ MCPS inspired and supported AmeriCorp program serving Montgomery County students and one that actively recruits MCPS graduates among its members, Project CHANGE is proud to continue to serve the county that gave it birth.logo

Getting Ready for a New Team- Goodbye to the Old Team

The Team of 2015-16 have all had their exit interviews. The Supervisors have sent them all off with words rina516d0629b20f70be058f31e9b0bf5dcging with endorsement and gratitude. Here are some of the comments we heard:

“Expanded our program beyond any other year.”
“Took initiative way above the job description.”
“Made our programs better”
“I tried to single out one category as Good but no, they had to be all Excellent”
“I never doubted her ability to cope.”
“I heard the kids ask ‘Is Ben coming back?’ He was much loved.”
“She was excellent in every way possible”
“Always flexible, so good to work with.”
“Never a problem- she knows how to do spread sheets and organized everything.”
“Able to organize and sum up what was needed in a very short time.”
“Lovely to work with. Willing to try things head on. Go with the Flow.”
“A source of inspiration to our students. Exceeds everyone’s expectations. Used her experience to connect with the students.”
“The amount of personal and professional growth from our member has been inspiring”
“He taught himself, always flexible and open, and he worked so well with the kids. They loved him.”


Well Done Class of 2016. You did us proud.


A Monumental Time for Project CHANGE- April 15th

You might live in a big city that tourists pay a lot of money to come see, and not ever do what the tourists do. Such was the case today when Project CHANGE took time out to visit the Lincoln Memorial, and walk through to the  MLK and FDR memorials to end at the Jefferson Memorial on the Tidal Basin. For some members, though they are locals, this was their first visit.

We stood on the spot where Martin Luther King Jnr gave his defining ‘I have a Dream” speech, and then traveled to the new MLK memorial that embodies a phrase from that 1963 speech,”Out of the Mountain of Despair we will carve a Stone of Hope.”


To spend time in such inspiring places was in keeping with the mission of Project CHANGE.  These great statues were first built to remember history, but then become places where new history is also made. The stories that matter are ones that keep growing new chapters. Of course, the CHANGE team don’t see themselves in the same class as these great heroes, but nevertheless, they are part of that unfolding story of leadership through service of something greater than oneself. Well Done Project CHANGE.