So that we can all get to know one another beforehand, we
create a team page on the web site to introduce ourselves to the other
volunteers. Please include with this form a short bio and a recent photograph
of yourself. To give you an idea of what we are looking for, a sample bio and
photo has been provided to you at the bottom of this page. Please send your bio
and photo electronically to:
Please send image separately from word
document (do not embed) but attached to the same email. Please do not resize
your image. If you would like to see the
photos and bios of volunteers who have joined us for previous years, please go
and view last year’s team.
First Name:___________________ Last Name: ________________________
BIO (No more than 100 words)
Lucresse Djuidje Gouayou is a recent graduate from the University of Maryland with a Bachelors in Criminology and Criminal Justice. As someone who grew up in Montgomery County, she is excited to give back to her community and learn what goes into making Montgomery County Public School what it is. She looks forward to connecting students and their families to resources and bringing a youthful eye to the table. In her free time, she enjoys the arts, reading, and learning random facts or skills on YouTube. Overall, Lucresse believes that education plays a pivotal role in determining a youth’s likelihood of interacting with the U.S Justice system hence her desire to assist students and their families.