If you are interested in applying for AmeriCorps Project CHANGE, we have to have copies of some documents.
If you receive an invitation to take the next step, there are a lot of forms to fill in, and to get you started, we are linking them below. To save time, you might download most of these and fill in to bring into your meeting with Project CHANGE staff.
Financial Forms
(Living allowance is taxable and you must declare with State and IRS if you want any exemptions from the taxes they will deduct from every pay)
Federal Taxes Withholding W4
Maryland Taxes Withholding MW 507
Employment Eligibility Verification USCIS I-9
Schedule A New Employee Data Payroll PAYCE
To Set Up Direct Deposit ( with voided check attached)
Enrolment and Application Forms
AmeriCorps Enrolment Form
AmeriCorps Application Form (Write See resume when info is duplicated)
Apply to Serve on the MyAmeriCorps Site
Member Agreement 2024-5
Opening an MCPS Account
Background Checks ( Because members serve vulnerable populations)
Set up a FingerPrint Appointment with Field Print (Go to Schedule an Appointment and then, New User set up)
Criminal Background Check with TrueScreen (Staff need to enter you)
Courses and Pre-Service Training that is Mandatory
Responding to Child Abuse and Neglect – MCPS ( Select Non Parents)
MyScore Training to use SEL Instrument
Attendance at Project CHANGE Trainings 2024-5
(Members must attend 90% of sessions to be eligible for the SEGAL Award (Educational Scholarship)
Waivers and Permissions
Photography Release
Permission for Background Checks
Child Care Acceptance or Not
Health Care Insurance
Health Care Plan provided for members who opt in
Loan Forbearance Form
Confidentiality Agreement
Bio and Portrait for Web Site