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News & Updates

Dealing with the COVID19 Crisis

AmeriCorps Project CHANGE continues to serve the students of MCPS even though the school system has switched to the virtual classroom. We hope all our partners and members and the students they serve and all their families stay home and…..

Montgomery County schools struggling to meet the needs

Recent reports in the Washington Post relate the disturbing news that the MCPS school system is struggling to keep with the needs of students and that attempts to address the achivement gap are not effective, says the report. “Despite attempts…..

Living Stories Revisited

….The stories that are shared in the plenary session are always powerful. People prove to be incredibly open and vulnerable. The day is so full of energy and engagement. Pablo, our co-host at Casa and myself observed that it’s like…..

Making sure you show up in your own story

Tomorrow we have our fourth Annual Storytelling Festival for the AmeriCorps programs of Maryland. Our hosts at Casa Maryland and Pablo Blank always provide a warm welcome in their amazing space. Each year, we try different things and end with…..

Maryland Schools Report Card- Washington Post Dec 3/19- Donna St.George

Fewer public schools in the Maryland suburbs received the highest ratings — four or five stars — in a statewide system for tracking school performance, according to data released Tuesday as the initiative marked a second year. The dip in…..

Being There for others 100%

Woody Allen once said ( supposedly) that 80% of success in life is about “showing up.” I thought he said it was 90% but I must have been away that day. Perhaps that is a tad too general but for…..

A Thanksgiving Reflection RETURNING TO GRACE

Thanksgiving is one pilgrimmage which, for most Americans, remains a solemn duty- causing family members in millions to travel today to get back home, to be back together with kith and kin one more time. It’s a mad rush, but once…..

Project CHANGE Alum: State senator returns with new outlook

Baltimore — When state Sen. William C. Smith Jr. returned to Baltimore-washington International Marshall Airport after a sixmonth deployment with the Navy to Afghanistan, he was most nervous about reuniting with his 18month-old daughter, Jacqueline. KENNETH K. LAM/BALTIMORE SUNMaryland state…..

The Art of Storytelling- Noa Baum

The team were excited and inspired to experience the powerful training this week from master storyteller and teacher, Noa Baum. For the past 6 years, she has been coaching members how to find their most powerful personal stories that they…..

Michael Gerson on Service

FROM AN OP ED IN THE WASHINGTON POST jANUARY 24TH 2019 ….The content of Wofford’s communitarian liberalism has always had significant overlap with a kind of civil-society conservatism. In both approaches, solving social problems is not just the work of…..