So it’s my third week in the program and my second week with students. Last week was short because of all the Holiday and Inservice days. But this week I feel like I’m starting to hit my stride and find my place working in the classrooms with the teachers and students.
I was part of helping a student get organized. The result of which was that they realized they in fact did not need to carry their book bag from class to class, they really just needed their binder.
I also helped a student with ADHD find a positive way to get attention by contributing to the class discussion. It may have only lasted for one day this time, but it’s definitely a move in the right direction for this student.
I feel like I am actually being of service again. And that’s a wonderful feeling. I am happy to celebrate the little every day accomplishments and small victories with the students. I am enjoying getting to know them as individuals and starting to see paths to assisting them with their Social-Emotional Learing.
To this end, I have been asking students quietly while they’re working on independent assignments how they are doing. This provides an oppertunity to have a conversation about the current assignment that is more student led. And I hope over time, as we continue to build rapport, will become an avenue for students to open up about other things they may have going on and want to talk about.
I am looking forward to getting to introduce the MyScore tool to the students, to help them gauge and track their own Social-Emotional Learning. And in the meantime I will continue to build rapport as I provide steady, consistent, caring support as needed.